Photos 1985-2017

Fr James (Jim) Hayes, SJ. Born on 6th July 1933 in Limerick; raised in Limerick City; educated at Crescent College SJ; entered the Jesuits 14th September 1951 at St Mary's, Emo, Co. Laois; ordained 29th July 1965 at Milltown Park, Dublin; Final Vows 2nd February 1968 at Milltown Park, Dublin; Parish Priest of Lerwick, 1994-2000; died 31st January 2016, aged 82.

Commissioning of Shetland catechists c.1994, with Archbishop Couve de Murville (Birmingham), Bishop Mario Conti (Aberdeen) and Monsignor Daniel McHugh (Director, Maryvale Institute).

Standing, left to right: Frances Wiles, Fr James Hayes SJ, Hilde Bardell, Anne Murray, Pat Loynd, Rose Keane, Margaret Pattinson, Lucy Manton-Milne (RIP).

Fr Colin Davies was Parish Priest of St Margaret's from 2009-2011.

Opening of the new Czestochawa chapel, 26th August 2014 - procession with the icon.

Fr Anil Gonsalves with Bishop Hugh Gilbert, OSB

Parish Scrapbook, 2011

Welcome to

St Margaret and the Sacred Heart Church, Lerwick

Roman Catholic Diocese of Aberdeen

Parish Newsletter

The weekly Sunday bulletin, with details of weekday Masses and events, can be downloaded from the "Bulletin" page of this site.
