Photos 2017-18

Papa Stour Advent Retreat Day, 5th December 2018

Concert for Africa, Fundraising Event for four Ghanaian students. 8th September 2018.

For further details and more photos see the Blog.

Mass at the ruins of St Mary's Church, Sand, on the Vigil of the Assumption. 14th August 2018.

Mass on Fetlar, Monday 30th April 2018.

A group from the south mainland joined parishioners and friends in the north in a Mass held in the Kirk. We are grateful to the Presbyterian congregation for making their beautiful church available to us on this special day.

St Ninian's Isle

Replica of the Papil Stone, Burra Isle.

Stained glass window in St Margaret's commemorating Shetland's ties with the oil industry.

Reception of Marjorie Cavanagh into the Catholic Church, 10th January 2018. Left to right: Pat Loynd, Pete Bardell, Fr Ambrose Flavell, Marjorie Cavanagh, Ann Dobbing.

Golden Wedding of Pat and Mike Loynd, 24th February 2018.

Fr Ambrose with Josephine and Leo Hopwood, visiting Shetland from Australia in July 2017. Leo died on 4th November 2017, RIP.

Welcome to

St Margaret and the Sacred Heart Church, Lerwick

Roman Catholic Diocese of Aberdeen

Parish Newsletter

The weekly Sunday bulletin, with details of weekday Masses and events, can be downloaded from the "Bulletin" page of this site.
