In Remembrance
James Harper, R.I.P.
James Harper died peacefully on 11th September 2020 at home in Sumburgh, surrounded by his wife Winnie and family.
James was born in Fraserburgh on 10th May 1954 to Jim and Maggie Harper before moving to Shetland where he grew up. He married Winnie in the Philippines in 1980 and they returned to Shetland to raise their family.
James was a dedicated husband and father who worked hard to support his family. James spent many years working at the airport where he started and finished his working career. He enjoyed travelling, whether this was taking the whole family around Europe or on one of his many holidays with Winnie. James also liked keeping busy in the garden and shed where he would disappear to feed the cats and have a sherbet with the radio on. Just like his father, he was skilled and practical with his hands and loved fixing or building things. He enjoyed music and loved going to see live bands with Winnie. He also had a passion for boats.
Dad, we love you and know you are with us forever in our hearts and minds. - Winnie and the children.
Margaret Stuart Robertson,R.I.P.
Margaret Robertson died peacefully on 9th September 2020 at Taing House, Lerwick. She was 91.
Margaret was born in Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, and worked on the staff of the Newcastle upon Tyne City Library for a number of years. She moved to Shetland in 1970 when she married Lindsay Robertson of Lerwick. It was a return to her roots since her great grandfather, Robert Henry, had been born on Foula. Margaret retained a strong interest in history and compiled "Sons and Daughters of Shetland, 1800-1900", a biographical dictionary of prominent Shetlanders, which was published in 1991 and still remains a major reference work for Shetland history.
The funeral took place on 16th September and she was buried with her husband Lindsay in Lerwick cemetery. May she rest in peace.
Mike Loynd, RIP
Michael Loynd died peacefully on 2nd July 2020 in the Gilbert Bain Hospital, Lerwick. He was 77. Mike was an active parishioner and was also a member of the diocesan Heritage Commission. Always a keen fisherman, he is pictured here on holiday in Sweden with a pike perch.
John Gallagher, RIP
John Gallagher died on Tuesday, 19th February 2019, at Overton Lea Care Home, Levenwick. He was 75. Originally from Dungloe, Co. Donegal, John had lived in Shetland since 1976.
The funeral was at St Margaret's on 26th February at St Margaret's Church, with burial in Lerwick Cemetery, New Extension. May he rest in peace.
John Nyland, RIP
Please pray for the repose of the soul of John Nyland (Lerwick) who died peacefully at home on 25th July 2018. He was 70 years old.
Victor Williams Goudie, RIP
Victor Goudie died peacefully in Gilbert Bain Hospital, Lerwick, on Sunday 11th February 2018. He was 71 years old.
The funeral took place on Thursday 15th February and Victor was buried at Gulberwick. May he rest in peace!
Pictured here front right at the Sumburgh Hotel, 30th September 2010, with his friends Karen Angus, Roy Jamieson and Allen Sutherland.
Wilma Laurenson, RIP
Wilma Laurenson died peacefully on 21st January 2018. She is buried in Lerwick New Cemetery. May she rest in peace.